Hezekiah's Illness and Recovery 1 In those days Hezekiah became mortally ill. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came to him and said to him, "Thus says the LORD, `Set your house in order, for you shall die and not live.'" 2 Then he turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD, saying, 3 "Remember now, O LORD, I beseech You, how I have walked before You in truth and with a whole . In Acts chapters 9 and 22 and 26, amazing!) And Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, went to him and said to him, "Thus says the LORD: 'Set your house in order, for you shall die, and not live.' " 2 Then he turned his face toward the wall, and prayed to the LORD, saying, 3 b "Remember now, O LORD, I pray, how I have walked . 2 Chronicles 32: 32, 33 King Hezekiah dies and his son Manasseh is the next king to rule . 2 Kings 20:6 God gave him another 15 years. He prayed to God often, and he always obeyed God. 8. And they took and laid it on the boil, and he recovered."-2 KINGS xx. God heard Hezekiah's prayer and healed him of his sickness and allowed him to live 15 years longer. His name means, "Jehovah is my Strength". Today in Jewish History King Hezekiah Falls Ill (548 BCE) On this day, King Hezekiah, the greatest of all the Judeaen kings, fell seriously ill, and was informed by the Prophet Isaiah that he would die, for G-d was displeased with the fact that Hezekiah had never married.. Hezekiah had refused to get married because he had prophetically foreseen that his children would lead the Jewish . 1). The Bible says his illness came "in those days" (2 Kings 20:1; 2 Chronicles 32:24; Isaiah 38:1)that is, in the days of Sennacherib's invasion. But king Hezekiah instead of giving glory to God for his healing and for the sign, he proudly showed the Babylonian convoy all his treasures (vs. 13). While he was sick, the prophet Isaiah came to visit him. Hezekiah zealously began to set things right. kiah) [Jehovah Strengthens]. Hezekiah is unusually devastated . 2 Kings 20:1-22:2 Hezekiah's Sickness and Recovery. A. Hezekiah's Illness (verse one) Hezekiah was a faithful but proud king. He just continued to pray and ask God to help him. And the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live. Hezekiah's Illness and Recovery. One time King Hezekiah became very ill. 1 In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. Hezekiah was a very good king who walked with the Lord his whole life, famous for his great reform of religion in Judah ( 2Kgs18:1-8; 2Chron.30-31) and for his heroic trust in the Lord when Jerusalem was being besieged by Sennacherib & the Assyrians. Hezekiah did what was right in the sight of the Lord. He began his reign at age 25 ( 2 Kings 18:2 ). A terminal illness can be quite discouraging! 9 Hezekiah's Song of Thanks This is the prayer of King Hezekiah of Judah when he was sick and then recovered from his illness: 10 "I thought, 'In the middle of my life I must walk through the gates of Sheol, I am deprived of the rest of my years.' 11 "I thought, 'I will no longer see the LORD in the land of the living, His mother, Abijah (also called Abi), was a daughter of the high priest Zechariah. During the reign of Ahaz, the people of Israel said they feared God, but. Today's Text: "In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. His religious beliefs and political ideologies varied greatly from those of his father, Ahaz, who lost the backing of the prophets after he placed the kingdom of Judah under Assyrian suzerainty. Hezekiah did not forget the Lord or blame him because of his sickness. 2 Kings 20:1-11 is our focal scripture reference. This suffering may be suggested by the expression "as a lion, so will he break all my bones" (Is 38.13). Hezekiah was the opposite of his father, Ahaz; and no king of Judah, among either his predecessors or his successors, could, it is said, be . 6 For he clave to the LORD, and departed not from following him, but kept his . 2 Kings 20. King Hezekiah in a 17th-century painting by unknown artist in the choir of Sankta Maria kyrka in hus, Sweden. He prayed to God, who gave him a miraculous sign. One time King Hezekiah became very ill. 2 Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall , and prayed unto the LORD , 3 And said , Remember now, O LORD , I beseech thee, how I have walked This miraculous help to the besieged Jerusalem occurred at the same time as another, not less miraculous event. Hezekiah welcomed the Babylonian envoys and showed them everything in his treasure-houses -- the silver, the gold, the spices, and the aromatic oils. He had served God, and he felt that God owed him a long life. 2) Isaiah the prophet came in and told him that he was to die. . THE character of King Hezekiah, as presented in the Holy Word, is that of a good man and a good king struggling with great difficulties. 3) But Hezekiah prayed to the Lord for deliverance and he was restored to health. Today in Jewish History King Hezekiah Falls Ill (548 BCE) On this day, King Hezekiah, the greatest of all the Judeaen kings, fell seriously ill, and was informed by the Prophet Isaiah that he would die, for G-d was displeased with the fact that Hezekiah had never married.. Hezekiah had refused to get married because he had prophetically foreseen that his children would lead the Jewish . Good News Translation King Hezekiah's Illness and Recovery 38 About this time King Hezekiah became sick and almost died. "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". He had inherited the throne of his father Ahaz . God had assigned to him a role, a task, to be king of Judah. Hezekiah, whose name means "God has strengthened," was 25 years old when he began his reign (from BC 726-697). In his 14th year as King, Hezekiah became ''sick and near death.''. Then he turned his face to the wall, and prayed unto the LORD, saying, I beseech thee, O LORD, remember now how I have walked before . Sowing and giving are very personal between you and the Lord. King Hezekiah reigned 29 years (726-697 B.C.). An extraordinarily righteous and pious king, he eradicated all forms of idolatry, restored the Holy Temple as the spiritual center of Judea, and reinstated many of the laws of the Torah that had not been practiced in the past. TB: Pada waktu itu Merodakh-Baladan bin Baladan, raja Babel, menyuruh orang membawa surat dan pemberian kepada Hizkia, sebab telah didengarnya bahwa Hizkia sakit tadinya dan sudah kuat . Beginning at 25 years old, as a young king he did what was right in the sight of the Lord b. 2 Kings 20:1-11 Hezekiah's Sick. 2 Kings 20.1-6. << 2 Kings 20: Hezekiah's Sickness and Recovery >> "And Isaiah said, Take a lump of figs. Because of his faith and obedience, Hezekiah became one of the greatest kings of Judah: "He trusted in the LORD God of Israel; so that after him was none like him among all the kings of Judah, nor any that were before him. King Hezekiah was a very good king. Hezekiah's Sickness. Sennacherib Invades Judah. c. Set your house in order, for you shall die and not live: God was remarkably kind to Hezekiah, telling him that his death was near. He chose the shadow retreating back on the steps of Ahaz. THE character of King Hezekiah, as presented in the Holy Word, is that of a good man and a good king struggling with great difficulties. 3. The Talmud writes that Hezekiah was worthy of being . At a deeper level, he is worried about what this sickness says about the faithfulness and reliability of God and his promises. (v . Hezekiah's illness was such that he was sick unto death before Isaiah the prophet visited him (20:1). A terminal illness can be quite discouraging! He was stricken with a fatal disease and Hezekiah received a word from the prophet that his life was about to end. But later in life, he became ill and expected to die. In Hezekiah's fourteenth year, King Sennacherib of Assyria came into Judah (18:13; 32:1; 36:1). From Hezekiah, we learn that prayer can change things. Hezekiah became ill and was about to die. Isaiah told King Hezekiah to watch the shadow on a large sundial to see the miraculous sign. When Hezekiah prayed to the Lord after threats from Rabshakeh, the prophet Isaiah was sent to comfort Hezekiah; and Rabshakeh and the Assyrians were defeated by the Lord (2 Kings 19). In Hezekiah's fourteenth year, King Sennacherib of Assyria came into Judah (18:13; 32:1; 36:1). The unthinkable had happened, and he was sure God had let . Hezekiah, a son of the wicked King Ahaz, reigned over the southern kingdom of Judah for twenty-nine years, from c. 715 to 686 BC. 38:7-8.) He was a good king who trusted in the Lord. 1 In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. He was more zealous for the Lord than any of his predecessors ( 2 Kings 18:5 ). Read 1 Kings 20:2-3. He was married to Hephzi-bah. Hezekiah becomes ill. Isaiah tells him his life is over. 1-2; II Chron. (1) Isa 38-39, he's completely self-centered. same. Isaiah let Hezekiah choose between to signs. The prophet also told him that Gd was greatly displeased because Hezekiah had not married. Twenty and five years old was he when he began to reign; and he reigned twenty and nine years in Jerusalem. Hezekiah, Hebrew izqiyya, Greek Ezekias, (flourished late 8th and early 7th centuries bc), son of Ahaz, and the 13th successor of David as king of Judah at Jerusalem. Hezekiah had contracted a terrible illness as recognized by the presence of a significant boil an illness that would be certain to lead to a speedy death. Hezekiah received the letter from the hand of the messengers and read it; and Hezekiah went up to the house of the Lord and spread it before the Lord. King of Judah, 745-717 B.C.E. Hezekiah's Sickness. (See Isa. ). 2 Chronicles 32: 1 - 23 Assyria attacks Judah and God defend them. 2 Kings 20:1 "In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. 1 About that time Hezekiah became deathly ill, and the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to visit him. Reign over Judah Scripture: 2 Kings 18-20 & 2 Chronicles 31:20. In 2 Kings 19:15 it says "And Hezekiah prayed before the LORD and said: "O LORD, the God of Israel, enthroned above the cherubim, you are the God, you alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; you have made heaven and earth.". He almost died. Hezekiah knew his place as king but he also knew God's place as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He gave the king this message: "This is what the Lord says: Set your affairs in order, for you are going to die. 2 Kings 18:4 removed the idols and bronze serpent. He gave the king this message: "This is what the Lord says: Set your affairs in order, for you are going to die. Isaiah before the Sick King Hezekiah, Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany, about 1400 - 1410, Tempera colors, gold, silver paint, and ink on parchment, Leaf: 33.5 x 23.5 cm (13 3,16 x 9 1,4 in, Reimagined by Gibon, design of warm cheerful glowing of brightness and light rays radiance. Why Does God Send Sun and Rain "on the Just and the Unjust"? 1) Hezekiah got sick and was near death. Soon after this, Merodach-baladan son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent Hezekiah his best wishes and a gift, for he had heard that Hezekiah had been very sick. 2 And when Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib had come and intended to fight against Jerusalem, 3 he planned with his officers and his mighty men to stop the water of the springs that were . Ahaz was the king of Judah. 1. Hezekiah, unconvinced, asked Isaiah for a sign that God would heal him, telling the prophet to make the shadow of the sundial of Ahaz go back ten degrees. All people sin (Romans 3:23) and even Hezekiah a good king who loved and obeyed God was not without sin. First, he reopened the temple in Jerusalem. 1915. And the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live. King Hezekiah of Judea: Son of King Ahaz. He apparently became king when his father Ahaz died, in "the third year of Hoshea" king of Israel (perhaps meaning Hoshea's third year as tributary king under Tiglath-pileser III), counting his reign officially from Nisan of the following year (745 B.C.E . . "The Lord was ready to save me: therefore we will sing my songs to the stringed instruments," he wrote. Embolden from God's answer to his previous prayer he pleads with Him again. 20 1 About that time Hezekiah became deathly ill, and the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to visit him. It looks like the end for Hezekiah, especially when the prophet Isaiah stops by to announce, "Thus says the Lord, 'Set your house in order, for you shall die; you shall not recover'" (2 Kings 20:1). . In response to this message, Hezekiah prays to God. Now being King . About the time of the Assyrian invasion, but before God destroyed their army, Hezekiah was struck with a fatal illness (2 Kings 20.1; Is 38.1). Hezekiah (2) Hezekiah, The Men Of Popular Articles What Does the Bible Tell Us about the Imago Dei? 2 Kings 18:13-37 Assyrians taunted Hezekiah's people. And this must have indicated a narrow span of time, as we've seen. (Isa 37:22-32) and a "writing of Hezekiah king of Judah" (Isa 38:10-20).